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The integrity of ultimate depends on each player's responsibilty to uphold the Spirit of the Game, and this repsonsiblity should remain paramount.


-Official Rules of Ultimate: 11th Edition (USA Ultimate)

About Frisbee

Ultimate frisbee, now an Olympic sport, is played at the high school, collegiate, and professional levels. With two professional leagues in the United States (MLU and AUDL) and many more internationally, the sport has many fans and a growing media presence. However, ultimate remains true to its foundational beliefs of respect, spirit, and cooperation.


Spirit of the Game

Frisbee is governed by a single powerful idea—Spirit of the Game. Ultimate has no referees which means each player is responsible for playing fairly and making respectful calls. This is what makes the sport special and fosters the unique sense of community.

How to Play

Ultimate is played by two teams of seven on a football-like field. Points are scored by catching a pass from a teammate in the opponent's endzone. Players may not run with the frisbee, so all movement of the disc is done through passing. A change of possession occurs when a pass is dropped or intercepted as well as when the frisbee is held for longer than ten seconds or thrown out of bounds. Most importantly, ultimate is governed by the Spirit of the Game.


Click here to read USA Ultimate's official rules.

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